

social system parameters

A parameter of a social system might be the ratio of authoritarianism’s valid credibility, to the amount of its crush to maintain its apparent credibility.

And, how closely would that be related to the parameter of the benevolence-to-bullying ratio exhibited by the various autharitarianisms of that social system?


game format is needed for educational effectiveness

Formal education needs to be designed around the game-playing mind, for most students. Only a few people learn just for the joy of knowledge. As such, if even a great truth has been shown (such as Acton's "... power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"), unless it has been cycled through the sieve of the "teach and then test, to provide a score" process that effectively forms it into a game format, it does not get incorporated into most students' minds in order to be useful in their subsequent daily life decisions.


What does the term “we” mean?

What does the term “we” mean?

Several times my thoughts recently have gone to the variation in usage of the word “we”. I, as an Idealist Temperament person, INFP psychetype, and having Asperger’s Syndrome social handicap, tend to have a rather loose-ended inclusion in my “we”; if i am talking to an individual, “we” usually includes that person and myself. Yet it also can include whoever else I happen to have thought of recently. (The term “they” also has similar level of loose-identification, usually “those people who do such-and-so” and not including myself.)

My pragmatic Artisan former wife puzzled me often, when in conversation with only me present, she exclusively used the term “we” to mean she and her family of origin (and not including me.)

Another usage of the term “we” that comes to mind now is the popular boombox throb heard frequently in the public parks, back about 15 years ago (when I was first trying to get people to notice KESTS to GEO concept) played by the teenagers (who by now are middle-aged adults...) that went “We will, we will... rob you! We will, we will ... rob you!” shouted simultaneously by a group of male and female voices, over and over again hypnotically; the booming sound throbbed over and over again across the grassy park areas, where I had bicycled to with naive desperate hopes of finding some sweet young woman to be my loving companion.

Perhaps I have special concern for the usage of term “we”, because I have so-called “belongingness issues” ... probably a function of my Asperger’s Syndrome’s urge to happily be with other people yet not having the built-in common set of social instincts that guide non-Asperger social interactions; also lack of siblings and not much family contact ... and also my earliest days of life were in a preemie’s isolation booth, cold and bright and touchless, missing the physical touch that is so necessary for instincts of knowing love and care, which probably accounts for my hunger for loving contact with woman all my adult life. (The other meanings of physical contact which others have, such as boxing or football or spousal abuse, are “crazy-makers” for me, however.)

So the term we” needs to be heavily laced into the ongoing context, for definition, to have any accurate meaningfulness, as it no longer means “you and me” for sure. “We will, we will ... rob you...” even uses the term “we” to exclude me, for example.

When I say “In processes far beyond conventional ways of doing, we need to quickly research and build the KESTS to GEO transportation structure, so as to provide us a pathway to produce facilities for clean electric abundant power worldwide, cleanup of toxins produced by industrial wastes we produce, enable vast new construction of living space for expansion for the next generation’s great well-being” I refer to “we” as being all humanity, since all would benefit. But unfortunately, most of humanity is very busy doing something else now, does not include me in their activities, and their ”we” excludes me. It appears that if eventually they do create KESTS to GEO type future opportunities, they will deliberately do it without me. Strange world this is, it seems to me.

I recall the joke going around when I was a youngster, that referred to the Western cowboy hero “The Lone Ranger” and his faithful Indian friend Tonto. The joke goes, ”The Lone Ranger and Tonto were out riding in the desert one day, and suddenly a band of Indians in war paint charged down on them, whooping and shooting arrows at them. The Lone Ranger turns to Tonto and says “What are we going to do?”, to which Tonto replies, “What do you mean “we”, Paleface?”

(Further semantic confusion comes in when I recall that the native American peoples were erroneously named “Indians” by Columbus, since he thought he had sailed around the world to the country of India, at the time he had actually encountered the America landmasses. But the incorrect name “Indians” stuck. Now, of course, it is known that the real “India” Indians are of a vast country laced with ancient wisdoms and creativity, such as the recently found “Laughter Yoga” process which has so much healthy promise for all the peoples of the world.)

So who are we, anyway?


Laughter purity

Somewhere, we lost it, back when as a little child, our soul’s power pump of sheer laughter in the simple delightful joy of life, became corrupted into the “laughing AT someone", the essence of declaring “thou fool", by the ego. That is where we went wrong, the slithery monkey ego slipped in and took over. Even by invitation by the comedian to laugh at him, is still a “thou fool” laugh-at-someone thing.

I did not realize this, even in reading the biblical harsh declaration by Jesus on the “thou fool” subject.

That wonderful healthy laughter as little children, is not tainted by the ego’s upsmanship craving; and now how fortunate we are that a teaching newly exists for return to the pure power-pump of soul’s life laughter!

A “new” kind of laughter can be easily learned n a group process, which goes by the name of “Laughter Yoga”, a recreational activity gaining practice around the world. It is back to basics, reset by an elegantly simple solution.

(It is the laughing “at”, that was where we went wrong, that little change of “at” enslaved our soul’s power pump, snuck in there by our monkey ego. Watch out for that monkey, it still lurks, wants our soul's power.)

Truly a blessing in world time of need, Laughter Yoga’s process quickly teaches tools to free one’s soul’s power pump back to oneself. Without the "at", just do the laugh!

Laughter Yoga teaches how to laugh as a merely physical thing, without attached meaning. Then one learns to do the laugh for the sheer joy of it, and to express expreciation to others, to do apology, to feel sadness followed by laughter, to express conflict with others while laughing cheerfully simultaneously with them.

And the balancing clap of hands to the voicing of "Ho!, ho!, ha!-ha!-ha!; Ho!, ho!, ha!-ha!-ha!" signalling a move into another mode of expression.

The intent of Laughter Yoga, as told by its originator Dr. Kataria, is that through the healing the internal war within oneself, that similarly war externally will then fade away.

A much more comfortable way of living, results for all.


Government by Corporation?

My understanding of the present Administration is that it hss a basic belief that by having corporate business analysis be the reality testing that determines which products that are really needed, so as to not waste effort, and that the employee-watchdogging of corporations will prevent people from being parasites on the overall system by getting money without doing equivalent work, as is thought to be the downfall of the 1960’s era economic system of some other nations back then. And it all has some logic to it, might could work, one could think, especially if one’s fellows say so.

Yet, having been an employee of many corporations during some 36 years of being employed in electronics technology in corporations, as well as being an innovator far beyond my employment tasks and making many attempts to use the corporate entity to take on the tasks I saw as potentially profitable for them and highly useful to humanity. Reality-testing happens: what I found was that corporate staff, of even highest level aerospace, said they were building space hardware and managing space projects solely as contractor for that purpose, and had zero interest in helping promote further projects that surely would bring them huge new space-related contracts in the future (for example, see my efforts to get my Centristation concept project to happen, conversations with Rockwell Corporation which had major technology for Space Shuttle that with SSME and lifting body reentry reusable spacecraft design capability would be directly in line to benefit by such projects, and my prior related independent struggle to write, present at technology conference and get published the LEO-toroidial habitat “Wet Launch of Prefab Habitat Modules” ...SSI-Princeton-AIAA pub, 1995.)

At the other end of the innovation spectrum, I found that corporations demand uncompensated ownership of all employees’ ideas, yet in reality they pursued only those which solved some problem they had not anticipated, in the flow of their pre-planned projects; and even then were seemingly embarrassed that an underling solved their problem and so tended to bury the event (I don’t want to embarrass anyone here, but one major example is regarding the innovation I suggested to employer in 1967 to put a digital divider in the feedback loop of a Phase Locked Loop to make it do an entirely new kind of thing, becoming a very accurate frequency multiplier thereby ... a technique which has since then found very wide application throughout industry, a proven-good idea.) Only one employer put my name on a patent (Pertec Computer Corporation, in 1976 re a phase detector for digital data synchronization of a PLL, ironically an improvement on the basic phase detector I had suggested as part of my PLL suggestion long before, to a different employer.)

The point here is that the dependence on the corporate business mentality to determine everything that gets done, guided solely by anticipation of quick profit in responsibility to its stockholders, does not work for providing for long range planning needs of the nation of a whole, nor does it utilize the basic creative innovation base of the nation, the employees; nor do corporations act responsibly re those ideas upon which innovative solutions are sparked, offside of managerial vision arenas. It has not worked, except for it’s original intent: to get together to make a profit by creating some specific products ... period. It would be nice if this mentality would provide for all things necessary and desirable for a nation of people, but it does not have that consciousness, unfortunately. Something far more is needed.

Will people see the wisdom in the above-mentioned information? Not likely, as people nowadays tend to be far more interested in being scared by something, probably so as to get distracted from the boredom of being some cog in the everyday 9-to-5 machine.

And as for my own mostly-unrelated parallel drama regarding accidental witnessing of some part of strange violence long ago, it seems merely another case of bully-thug mentality threatening to squash anyone who sees the bully’s secret violence and does not have the sense to keep his Asperger’s Syndrome mouth entirely shut about it... treason?... no such thing, though it could be due to not being privy to knowledge about all goings on of the big-boys. Monkey-like games are of little interest to me except to avoid as much as possible getting hurt by those who crave to play them. Humanity has far more wonderful kinds of doings than that, which are my true interests, and I encourage others to focus on those higher qualities’ actualization, now and in the future, regardless of what happens, even remembering Aristotle's end. “Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again”, as it is said.

There can be high adventure galore (for some example suggestions, see my own web pages like for some ideas regarding exactly what) in the creation of high civilization of which people surely are capable of doing; goofs like the last flights of Challenger and Columbia are part of that adventure’s error-correcting path... as for those losses, compare with the annual losses of such things as fatalities in such things as the nation's annual rate of car accidents, annual errors in the nation's medicine application, and our ongoing conflicts with other countries. Let’s go for a higher kind of drama than those, Are we not truly humanity: men and women wonderfully capable and on the go, enjoying each other in the dance of life of our planet? Let’s be that, instead.

James E D Cline 20050901