

Spirituality and the four Temperaments

It seems to me that a hypothesis correlating spirituality with the sections of the human brain (such as the "Triune Brain" concept), and related Temperaments, would correctly help understand on-goings. Recently I read that "spirituality unifies people, whereas religions divide them" or something to that effect. There are several major religions of the world currently, and each probably has sub-groups which could be called "fundamentalists"; other groups relate better to theologians or mystics. The Temperament theory of human typology behavior effects seems to have similar patterns: could the "Artisan" temperament be attracted to "fundamentalism" aspects of religions? That would explain the physical action united groupie focus on the present moment, with little comprehension of, or interest in, the future, and easily led by someone who tells them it is OK to be Artisan-like, the future will take care of itself and they being the saved chosen ones by virtue of group membership will come rescue them regardless of effects of whatever rivalrously they do to others, in their focus on "winning" against others. Maybe there also is some Guardian temperament in this, by justifying on "righteousness" regardless of position taken? Rationalist Temperaments would correlate to Theologians, it seems reasonable. Idealists would tend toward the mystics, seers of universality; whereas Artisans would focus on seers of near-present time and space information, such as some psychic perception as cast into the terms of the particular religion involved. The Temperaments seem a closely accurate model of ways individual people experience life and their world around them, so it is reasonable that it is also how they comprehend spirituality, God's relationships, a comprehension that affects their behavior.


Peoples' Temperaments in the flow of the go

The progression of creation of an electrically powered space access system needs to be done in a feedback system, where examination of how things are now, the trends happening, compare them with the ideals of life and form vision of flow from the present into the preferred future; create the rationale for the doings of that change, as based on the best understandings we currently have of the workings of the universe; modifying the vision with its rationale so as to mate with the world as it is with its actual guiding principles of the workings of mankind in the social and physical environment, lace this holistic plan into the muscles of the physical world and set them loose to go for it, ever watching for the real world effects and make adjustments through this system so as to course correct for the preferred ideals of life being fulfilled and likely to continue to be fulfilled.

Note the formal names of the four Keirseyan Temperaments as taught in Linda Berens' books are: Idealist, Rational, Guardian, and Artisan. And that particular sequence is utilized in the above paragraph (yes, I'm of the Idealist Temperament type.) Archetypally imagine four people on an assembly line, one each of the above temperaments, and the assembly line is creating the complete electrically powered space access system. -- or, whatever your system is.

Comprehending the very different

The idea that an elevator-like device could go in a huge loop around the Earth, could be incomprehensible especially to a mind, accustomed to reaction engined vehicles to space, struggling to comprehend how an elevator could go straight up all the way to beyond GEO, being aware of the limits of existing tall buildings and towers. Compressional strength of materials, and the instability at the top of very tall thin compressional structures, appears to put a ceiling on how high one can build, and that limit is nowhere near "space", although compressional metal structures pressurized internally could conceivable go up tens of miles. The vertical Space Elevator in public attention is of the anchored tether type, like a weight on the end of a string being whirled around, the whirling being done by the daily rotation of the Earth, and the counterweight out beyond GEO. The huge loop is quite different from either of these visions, however.

So, perhaps the loop elevator-like device can be initially comprehended by imagining an equatorial plane Earth orbit completely occupied by a rope, or even a thin stream of non-volatile liquid, which is rotating around the planet at orbital velocity; then shift from a circular to an elliptical orbit, compensating for the changes needed, until the elliptical orbit grazes the earth's equatorial surface and precesses around synchronous with the Earth's daily rotation, thus forming the basic structure from ground to high in space, even to GEO. Those "compensations", such as for the meteoric velocity as it streams through the earth's atmospheric part of the path, and for the differences in velocity along the elliptical orbital path, are what some specific technological coherent configuration provides, as the one described on my websites and several published papers do.

If I am unprepared to see something quite different from the usual, it may come and go without me fully seeing it, comprehending it. Worse, if I am very busy, unless my RAS perceived the new thing as dangerous, it may never make it all the way to my consciousness, and thus essentially never have been, never noticed. Maybe others are that way, too.

This is part of the tendency to see that which we are set up to see, to interpret it according to the context perceived, the pre-conditioning by others, in some cases. If I remember correctly, our brains take in sensual data (from eyes, ears, etc) at the rate of a million bits per second sum total, and only a little bit makes it all the way to our conscious noticing awareness. All the pre-processing that goes on to clear out the non-essentials is almost miraculous yet is imperfect. Similar things happen to other input information such as what we read; if there is no framework on which to place each new bit of info, unless it goes into the "I will figure this out later, maybe" mental shelf, it goes into the "bit bucket."

So, I have been dealing with this happening over the years as I attempt to get peoples' attention to the electrical space access technology concepts and what they could make possible in terms of civilizations major needs coming up too fast. Clearly my rantings about it all have gone into the "I don't know quite what it is" bit bucket, gone. Attempts to utilize the familiar, such as the centrifugally shaped cowboy's lasso, hula hoop, electric motor, often get ridiculed by the esteemed learned folk.