

Reviving America by a combined co-located industry with higher education concept

This idea is of reviving American education and industry by closely combining them.

I already have explored the distributed version of that, in my "home manufacturing workstation" concept, where home computer workstations are part-time "teaching machines" including through the internet, and part time manufacturing workstations, where they are linked into manufacturing tooling to produce certain kinds of operations on physical parts for subassemblies, done at home.

But now the almost opposite mode draws from my (incompleted) effort to work my way though college in the New Mexico State University co-op program with White Sands Missile Range in the mid-1950's; and also my highly successful - having a wife at the time - attendance at the FAA Academy in electronics engineering in the early 1960's; both of which, however, were separated as to work and education in months-long time chunks.

In this idea's much more integrated version, it would be where large corporation locations, or co-located conglomerates of small companies, would be intimately combined with higher education facilities. A High School graduate would go to such a location to both work at a formal job and also gain a formal higher education at the same time. The employee-student would work part time each day at some job for the corporation(s) and also each day attend classes toward a formal degree in some field, daily both part-time work and part-time formal higher education.

Such a system would enable the student to gain a higher education in a work-pay-as-you-go means, thus not needing either wealthy parents nor terrible loans for educational expenses. The associated corporations/businesses would gain by having employees who are ever more competent in some field of study and general education credits, while also being each day the industry's employee. The associated higher education institutions could also specialize in degrees most supportive of the industries involved, thus the industries would be more assured of a supply of skilled employees for the future needs of the evolving industries, too.

Also, tying education to work functions brings a reality factor to educational processes that is currently perhaps too loose, more based on past industrial needs no longer always very useful. And would make lifelong learning be a more practical process, with the ratio of work time to education time each day getting larger as time went on after obtaining the first formal degree, but never going to 100% work each day; thus also enabling versatility and ease of re-training when employment job functions come and go as business changes.

It looks like such a concept could jump-start American industry back toward full operational mode far more quickly than possible as is now, as well as concurrently bringing the workforce to a much higher level of competence without major education loans endured by the student.

The employee-students would be free to transfer to different sites of such industry-education, as their experience grows and their interests change, and needed industry jobs change too. The system would need to be also supportive of the employees living as married - or equivalent - lives concurrently, to enable comfortable fulfilled living, while being worker-students.

In summary, the combined co-located industry with higher education concept would enable the high school graduate to go directly into higher education while also having a paying job, and become prepared through the educational institution as well as more specific on-the-job training, for ever more skilled and versatile job functions; while the associated co-located industries would be assisting through the availability of a more highly educated and experience-skilled pool of employees for the future.

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