

Ideas I submitted for the SinceSliceBread activity

Ideas are rerely invited from people who are not in an "in-group," thus I was quite pleased to hear of the SinceSlicedBread "contest" to get people to think about ways to improve things. Since none of my ideas were chosen for follow-up in the recent SinceSlicedBread (SSB) activity, I will also put them here into my general blog.

The format of the SSB was to use no more than 175 words to describe a problem, its proposed solution, and expected benefit to people. Such a word compression itself was quite a challenge in itself; yet, I wonder if 175 words are the limit for such a problem-solution-result outline for people to quickly scan through to see if anything there of interest to them. So maybe that itself is useful.

The five ideas I submitted in those constraints, as I submitted them, are:

Title: Put everybody's talents to good use 20051202jedc

Human resources are going to waste.

To fix the problem:
The country needs to consciously determine the skills and special talents and temperaments of working and unemployed people, and also make a list of tasks that it would be helpful for the country to have done; then match the two lists. The skill application would be compensated on a gradient from total volunteer, to including free On Job Training to part time paid. Businesses and corporations need to provide a job register as part of this process, so that if a conventional employment opportunity exists for that task, the person has that option; this would also prevent competition with the business community for workers.

Fixing this problem this way is thought to make for more contented workers through better task matching with them, make a place for every living person homeless to wealthy to personally improve the overall country so as to help self esteem. And the many tasks that have not found business attention can get done this way.

Enable less profitable products jedc 20051202 1621hrs

The issue is the bypassing of helpful technologies in the wake of business/government processes.

To fix the problem, a site needs to be established for people to submit the bypassed products, technologies and services which have gotten lost. Some which could be submitted include: Full restoration of L-Tryptophane as a health supplement not needing prescription, as a way to enable full natural sleep and thus promote better workers; and the unbiased research of such health technologies as the Rife and H R Clark electrohealing technologies, to provide very low cost self-health even for homeless people.

Fixing this would enable bringing back lost but less profitable products, or products not appreciated as business competition, for the benefit of the working people.

Free home education for all

The problem is that the acquisition of working knowledge is not sufficiently available to all.

To fix much of this problem, the internet to home computer terminals could bring home education to many people not currently adequately educated. Like public education, this could be a free service made for the betterment of the country, as is public education. The government would need to pay for course development and online presentation, and maintain records of achievement by participants. The courses would need to be the instant feedback type, where an item of knowledge is presented, then a question asked involving use of that knowledge, and feedback of accuracy give to the student immediately. Reference the old “learning machine” concept. People of every age could then learn, at their own pace and convenience, job-specific skills and general knowledge. Where knowledge is claimed by colleges or texts, appropriate compensation in a lump sum to be given from taxes by government.

Fixing this problem raises the skill and knowledge level of the entire country at low cost.

Review transportation abilities jedc 20051202 1650hrs

The issue of transportation increases rapidly with decreasing availability of low cost energy particularly gasoline.

To fix this problem, explore the transportation efficiency of all modes of movement of people and goods, from the skateboard to the rickshaw to the cable car. Part of efficiency is the convenience of movement from actual point to point, e.g., home to work site and back. One such mode to explore would be the use of pullbands circulating around residential blocks for lightweight engineless vehicles grab so as to move from one’s home garage, along ever faster pullbands circulating down long street and freeway areas, automatically routed per selected destination; the small vehicles would occupy much less parking space and structure strength.

By not leaving the task of transportation solely up to established corporation’s profit-controlled choices, a wider range of possibilities becomes possible. Later it would be possible to have business participation in providing products for the more transportation-efficient activities.

Enable fine future for all 20051203 jedc 0711hrs

This issue is that a basic plan for overall future needs to be in place for humanity to have optimism and usefulness.

This idea seems “not common sense” but it is made up of many commonsense ideas. Solar Power Satellites could stop the greenhouse effect accumulation, if there were a way to get them into Geostationary Earth Orbit economically. A way to lift their components and for total recycling plants there etc. would be to create a transportation structure that encircles the earth in the shape of an orbital transfer trajectory from equator to GEO, which has its weight supported by circulating mass inside it moving far above orbital velocity thus outward centrifugal force matches gravitational force; this large 131,000 km perimeter electric motor also uses the upward-direction moving circulating mass to drag spaceships between ground and GEO thus they lift no fuel. Very efficient high capacity lift, and electrically powered, eventually powered by satellites it enables into GEO.

Working families helped by providing huge new jobs and real hope for future of their children.

Mental-physical exercise, energy 20051203jedc 1856

The issues are a combination of need for better use of one’s brain, more interesting physical exercise, and alternative energy sourcing availability.

Design, build, and make economically available to all working families, a form of exercise machine for home use that requires the movement of arms and legs to be contra lateral alternately (which helps build connections between the two sides of the brain), and stores the produced output energy such that it can be released in the form of electrical power for small appliances such as cell phone and laptop computers.

Benefits to working families would be that it would open up a key mental resource in people (integration between the two sides of the brain), provide a more interesting form of home exercise to reduce the obesity problem, and provide a small backup supply of electrical energy when power fails or just to see how much energy one can provide oneself, as a reality test.

Several of the above ideas had others' comments recorded after them on the SSB site. That was Reality Testing in itself for me: none were approving; but none gave any technical reason for disapproval, and merely ridiculed in a bullying way so as to influence other readers; one cleverly used gutter words to insult readers; and one used equivalent of filabuster by copy-n-paste of some huge unrelated legal document to bore the reader and get them to move on past the idea. I suppose these people were using "spin master" tools to control the attention flow of people, away from competitive ideas toward certain other ideas or products. "Comments" were part of the invited process, and the site's efforts to require identification of the commenters was skilfully bypassed by the "spin masters." I suppose the whole SSB effort was considered an insult to the established ways of doing things, by those who benefit by keeping things the way they are now.

I also reviewed and commented supportively upon several interesting ideas submitted by other people.


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