

It is very hard to say I'm sorry and that is true of hemp law enforcers

One of the hardest things to do is say "I made a mistake. I'm sorry about xyz. I'm now making reparations about it with the best that is in my power."

This is no less true about rulers and authorities. Probably even moreso, in fact.

It has long been said that "one does not want to know how two things are made: sausage and laws." Usually the laws are fairly well operational by the time they are scrubbed out and made law. But on the "sausage" end of the bell curve of law-making, it can be fairly ugly.

In my opinion, the law against hemp in America is of the ugly kind. I have written before of how hemp has been important in the progress of America; such as in the Civil War, some battles used round bales of hemp, a common major crop, as rolling fortifications, the enormous strength and low relative weight of hemp no doubt stopped many a cannonball in its tracks instead of human flesh doing it. And even of the smoking of marijuana, it is unjust, in my opinion; I have had friends in the past who smoked it at times and exhibited none of the injurious and addictive qualities claimed by its detractors. If anything, it made the smokers a bit more humane in what they did.

The movement in America against the laws against hemp and marijuana in America has been compared to the mostly peaceful uprisings in Egypt that toppled a long-time tyrant. In this case, the tyrant is the law and the minions that justify enormous abuse of people and taking freedoms and property away and ruining lives by the millions as justified by that law.

It would be better, I think, that those "enforcers of marijuana/hemp laws" get their urges satisfied by playing some of the violent videogames available everywhere nowadays, instead of doing it to real people. And keep their cops&robbers activities directed toward those who do real harm to others; there are plenty of them to chase and put down.

As I stated at the beginning of this post, it is very hard to say I'm sorry, I made a mistake, and here is what I am doing to fix it best I can now. And that is extremely true for that hemp-law and those who got it on the books, and especially by the millions of people who have their gainful employment doing the dirty work of enforcing that law. If they ever stop to think of how to apologize and make reparations to their millions of victims, it no doubt scares them silly. Thus the law stays on the books because ... well, because the powerful are on top and they can say so.

When America begins to regain her heart, we can start healing as a nation and get on with doing the kind of job we are proud of.

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