

Bring all your gifts to play in life

Sometimes people get caught up in a hurry-caine tornado of reactivity; what a mis-application of human power! Here is a reminder, "Our Gifts", which I developed from various handout materials when I was studying "psychosynthesis" psychology (Psychosynthesis psychology explored concepts that people were each a confederacy of thousands of sub-personalities; and that all aspects had spiritual components; Psychosynthesis was started by Assiogoli, and was an experiential taught subject exploring one's own self and that of other students present, provided firsthand knowledge; long term focus was on group efficiency such as in business) in the mid-1990's, the handouts referenced here were a composite of the finer qualities that each of the basic types of people embody. This is also in my early web pages on
Compiled from psychosynthesis workshop handout notes describing the better qualities of the 7 basic types of people, key handouts were written by a Michel Robbins, I think, which helped stimulate the following inspiration. Which of these are closest to your strongest pattern? And can you appreciate the others, see their validity ... those of other people?

A higher vision: Our Gifts, bringing our all to the task

1. May we liberate people from all forms of bondage and oppression.
-- Thus may we become dynamic, powerful and benevolent leadership serving the greatest good.

2. May we have a wise and complete understanding of life so that we can teach and illuminate others.
-- Thus may we have a deep intuitive loving-understanding of others, so that we can nurture them and help them to unfold their highest potential.

3. May we arrive at truth through the power of deep thinking and careful reasoning.
-- Thus may we have great mental agility and resourcefulness, applying them creatively to intellectually challenging enterprises.

4. May we be mediators, reconcilers of human conflicts and instruments of peace.
-- Thus may we express great artistry in every aspect of our lives, thereby inspiring others to increase their sensitivity to beauty.

5. May we invent and develop those mechanisms, instruments and technological improvements which will transform and uplift the quality of life.
-- Thus may we become vitally involved in discovering solutions to Nature's mysteries through scientific research and experimentation.

6. May we serve God, the Highest Ideal, with complete faith and utter devotion.
-- Thus may we live with complete faith and commitment, true to our highest visions.

7. May we take a practical, administrative role in redesigning and transforming the patterns of human civilization, so that for all people an excellent new order to life may emerge.
-- Thus may we bring rhythmic order out of the chaos of human living, by grounding progressive ideas in practical activity, and seeing them through to perfected expression.

(This I've adapted, from a psychosynthesis group's handouts, which were said to be originally authored by a Michel Robbins. Adaption and integration by Jim Cline, circa 1995)


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