

Startup America entrepreneurship and my KESTS to GEO project fate

This morning I had stumbled into a videocast "Startup America" and saw the last few minutes of a panel involved with that. Apparently focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship, although what I observed was the focus only on entrepreneurship, that is, business activities. Note my "KESTS to GEO" project concept remains mere fantasy because there is no associated entrepreneurship involved with making it happen as a business. The exclusive focus seems to have shifted to entrepreneurs instead of innovators, as a major point of it all at the moment is to create jobs for people to do something useful and stimulate the economy.

As my "KESTS to GEO" project effort has shown, even the best concepts with fantastic potential for stimulating the economy and civilization's very wellbeing and perhaps sheer survival, gets nowhere if people do not make it physically happen. And that involves entrepreneurship activity in our system, instead of an overarching responsible direction of creation of the facilities based on KESTS to GEO concepts' purposes.

KESTS to GEO would have initially cut jobs in aerospace as people focused on electromechanics and large scale energy-supported structures, very different from the reaction engined launch vehicle systems that people had prepared for in their career development and business planning; thus, KESTS to GEO was very much in disfavor by the business community.

And NASA, the obvious potential overarching make-it-happen entity, was having none of KESTS to GEO, possibly again because their well-established careers are based on reaction engined launch vehicle access to space, and it is hard to change one's fields of expertise, in this case to those of very large scale electromechanical transportation structures that are unconventionally supported by the centrifugal action of stored energy within those huge-perimeter structures built as hoops around the Earth. Besides, NASA sees itself as only the means of implementation of government-financed projects such as the Cold War Era national-security significant "race to the Moon," instead of seeing itself as the instigator of other major space projects.

And I can sympathize with those directors in NASA, sweating out each launch and return of the Space Shuttles after Challenger and Columbia ... and remembering that the last several Apollo Moon Landing launches were scrapped to minimize the risk for disaster ... at the vision of those directors having to create an unfamiliar electromechanical system with a perimeter extending clear around the Earth, using little of the familiar rocketry, and achieving something on the scale of the early Panama Canal in its implications ... the scary thought of taking on that responsibility could have had them heading for the bathrooms. Not for long; they are experts in control of events.

I have little doubt that there have always been those who quickly grasped the enormous business implications of my KESTS to GEO project's implementation and productivity, and those folks no doubt saw it as a big disruption to their bread and butter industries such as hydrocarbon-based energy, rocketry aerospace. And even the extended-project fantastic real-estate implication potentials of KESTS to GEO to enable construction of the prototypes of 10,000-person self-sufficient artificial gravity cities shielded by water ice and electromagnetic fields in GEO - and cheaply lift those tens of thousands of people up there - which could potentially lead to a huge real estate shift, thus a threat to even something as amazingly far away business-wise as that of real estate. (For example, see my 1988 file pointing out there is room for more than 15 billion people up there, living in condominium-like residences on the inside edges of the wheels, somewhat as foreseen in NASA's SP-413 book for use in L-5.) Meanwhile, I personally was unaware of the potential business effects, other than to abstract that the project could easily double the net worth of America especially if the space cities were built in GEO; that was as far as I got with that point of view, not important to me. (That kind of thinking is probably why I now live at the poverty level, primarily on Social Security retirement, and very thankful for that income. Not a big problem; I have never known anything except the near-poverty level of life, even working as an engineering tech in electronics most of my life. And I would not know how to be a successful businessman even if I had the money to do it. Although some other Asperger's are quite wealthy from business.)

So instead of being seen as a wonderfully elegant near-future way to provide clean economical electrical energy delivered worldwide (via solar power satellites that it would make finally feasible, that it would enable built and maintained economically in GEO) as well as solar powered full recycling of toxic materials made by our industrial civilization, and make reaction engined spacecraft change from the sleek rockets we now know, to instead become huge non-aerodynamic vehicles built and launched from high above the atmosphere there in GEO, electrically lifted to already be 91% up out of the Earth's gravitational energy well, for massive expeditions to Mars and other places nearby .... instead, it was seen only as a threat to existing powerful corporate interests, and to be dealt with as such.

And the directors of those interests most likely saw my struggling meek efforts presenting the technological concepts of KESTS to GEO at space technology conferences, realized I was no salesman powerhouse and was clearly advanced in age, so all they had to was to sit on it all and wait for me to die off, then all the potentials of KESTS to GEO would default into their business-power mentalities to play with for their wealth in their own good time, say, perhaps when oil has gone way past its peak, to the business need to look for different sources of energy to sell - and by then they could be positioned to use KESTS to GEO and Solar Power Satellites while squeezing the most profit out of the what-the-market-will-bear system.

But anyway, the KESTS to GEO concept complex that I created is in existence, so I have enabled it to physically happen, even if not in the timeframe I foresaw as important for civilization's continued healthy expansion. So, my efforts have not been totally wasted.

Back in the late 1980s when I was putting the basics together for KESTS to GEO and Centristation project concepts, I read of much despair about the inevitable fate of accumulating pollution of land-sea-air from our industrial civilization, and overpopulation of a limited land area world, making preparation for a future seeming to be futile, the KESTS to GEO concept was able to blow that away: clean electrical energy galore for America and to sell around the world, and even showing how population could be greatly expanded via a high level of civilization built in GEO accessed economically and continuously via KESTS to GEO. It made the future have great potential; and even if held back for decades, people could still plan for a future for their progeny. And since then, the KESTS to GEO concept has been expanded to provide the means for enabling industrial-sourced toxins to be fully recycled in GEO-sited huge solar powered mass-spectrometer type element separators for clean reuse in manufacturing, further enabling a potentially bright future for all.

That abundant future potential is still there, including for the long term hopes for Startup America. Let's invent those paperclips and ball point pens to quickly create reasonably nice jobs for everybody and make a profit right away; it will be sturdy practice for getting on with the big stuff later. Life can be exciting conceiving, inventing, designing and building things and making businesses happen; is lots friendlier to life than the former focus on bash and takeover of war and conflict.

P. S. Most likely there will still be lots of romps by those folks who prefer to trick, bash and destroy their way to fame and fortune, instead of taking the creating and building pathway; so I have written a series of high-tech science fiction novels describing one way all this could play out. (And writing the sci fi versions was lots more fun to do than was writing and presenting the formal technical papers, such as "Cline, James E. D. “Kinetically Supported Bridge Vehicle Lift To GEO” Space 2002 Robotics 2002 Conference Proceedings, American Society of Civil Engineers, 2002, 8-21.) The sci fi series I wrote and self-published, author J. E. D. Cline, includes "Building Up", "The Ark of 1984's Future", "It's Down to Earth", and "The Torus Cities Ice Shields Returning Home". See and particularly "It's Down to Earth" as an ebook at iBooks or Barnes & Noble etc or paperback at CreateSpace: eStore .

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