

Insights from debate re the health insurance issues

A friend has suggested that I divide up my post yesterday on "Inspirations after watching the Obama-McCain debate on 2008-10-15" into three sections, and separate out parts of each section for better readability, so this is the first of three such posts.

First, re the health insurance issues, indeed "an ounce of prevention is still worth a pound of cure"; the obesity epidemic very likely is tied to the use of MSG in food, therefore, there needs to be a general ban on its use in food for all manufacturers and other food suppliers such as restaurants, including MSG use by any of its other names: ban monosodium glutamate from being in any foods.

This could involve some amplification of whole-person studies already done re the breakdown products of MSG in the body and what they do to the neuromuscular system, as well as the problem of eating more than necessary, which is the purpose of MSG, to sell more food by causing people to eat more than needed for health, thus more business and profit for the food suppliers but at the cost of overweight in the consumers.

And another health cost-effective approach is to form a fully objective evaluation system for evaluating the actual efficacy of various alternative health protocols. Later perhaps even also applying the same measures to more conventional "allopathic" protocols eventually.

For example, one such protocol system involves the use of the small electrical signals long utilized by experimenters using the Rife and HRClark technologies (which have a long history of suppression by the rival pharmaceutical business industries, unfortunately for the well being of the people of this nation); my personal experimentation with them for the past dozen years indicates there is very much merit in them as very cost-effective preventive and healing systems for many health issues, saving enormous money and time, something this country is currently needing a lot, note.

Yet somehow the business territory claims of conventional medicine suppliers needs to be appropriately adapted, going instead for what really works overall best for people; and also finding new useful employment for those skilled health field workers which will become surplus thereby, there is lots to do.


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