

The ratio of "understand_&_resolve" to "go_git_um_gang"

The Obama-McCain debate last night was significantly a display of the rational approach (Obama's) vs the emotional approach (McCain's.)

McCain frequently failed to answer the moderator's questions at all, instead merely playing his agenda speech once again full of assertions and heavily using the non-verbal gestures and body language that classically is used to guide others in a physical action team activity and leadership positioning, while quite ignoring the actual question's content, merely using the place of attention to advertise being boss.

Obama stuck to the questions answering including the high valence ones despite the risk involved, and he clearly paid attention to what McCain was saying and where appropriate would point out things; while McCain tended to ignore whatever Obama said, simply instead was replaying rehearsed propaganda when it was his turn to speak.

If the vote were to be based on that debate, my guess is that the vote count would be the number of people who would solve America's problems rationally (Obama) vs the number of people who instinctively rally around a sports aggression symbol for unified action to assault the problems. It is the difference between approaching problems with the observe-understand-manipulate-harmonize protocols, vs the observe-find_weaknesses-assault-subdue-force_compliance protocols.

Since most of the debate's subject material was for internal American issues, it is interesting that popularity can be gained by use of the assault-force_compliance type of response, seems against other Americans; but perhaps that is because of our conditioning of emotional physical responses to watching team-abuse-by-the-game-rules such as in football, basketball, and soccer, where we find which group functions best as a team and with player strength.

Would that work to fix an economy or achieve energy independence? We will need to take physical action in the form of teams doing the solutions; but the direction of these teams surly needs to be done from the mode of rational understanding and manipulation perspective.

The debate overview seemed to me to be a display of the rivalry between the intelligent solution to problems vs the yay-team-bash-em approach; by the resulting popular vote we will find the distribution quantities of those two types of responses among the current set of voting Americans, to a significant extent; note that each individual will also have a ratio of those two response modes (the ratio of "understand_resolve," to "go_git_um_gang.")

That we had let the problems build up to the point that we are having the current major problems of energy crisis, atmospheric and ground pollution effects, and financial disarray, surely is because of far too much of the yay-team-bash-em approach having been reactionarily used in recent times, even to some extent even during recent decades, what a mess. Will we just do more of the same, what kind of stuff are we made of anyway?

I agree that there needs to be a lot more of the git-er-done type activity now; but what it actually does, needs to be much more carefully guided by understand-resolve first. "Use brains before using muscles" was a human specialty, I had previously believed.


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