

Monkeybrain playing dress-up

The Monkeybrain does so enjoy playing dress-up wearing the human body, while underneath it is still at the same kinds of monkeybusiness that have propelled it for a million years.

Does that bruise the ego? Live with it, get over it. The above statement explains so perfectly that which is on the front page of the newspaper, the responses the neighbor actually gives, and one's own actual choices at the forks of the road. So perfectly!

A more interesting question is, why did we expect anything different? That question's answer may lead to some very interesting insights.

Maybe playing dress-up wearing the human body has real value. It built the worlds' great bridges, the huge airliners, the pictures of the Rover's view of the Martian landscape, the internet page web of computers showing far away places and pathways of knowledge, the place one calls home. Consider that one's dress-up made home is lots more fun than a nest of branches in a jungle tree.

So, enjoy.


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